A favicon, or “favourite icon”, is a small square icon that represents your website in the browser tab, bookmark list, search bar, and other places across the web. Having a favicon gives your site a professional appearance and reinforces your brand identity. Here’s how you can add a favicon to your WordPress site.

Step 1: Create Your Favicon

The first step is to create your favicon. It should be a square image, and the recommended size is at least 512×512 pixels. You can use tools like Photoshop, GIMP, or online favicon generators to create one.

Step 2: Navigate to the Customiser

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance > Customise. This will open the WordPress customiser.
  2. In the customiser, click on Site Identity.

Step 3: Add Your Favicon

  1. Under Site Identity, you’ll see an option for Site Icon. This is where you add your favicon.
  2. Click Select Site Icon, and you’ll be prompted to upload a new image or select an image from your media library.
  3. After selecting or uploading your favicon, click Select.

Step 4: Crop Your Favicon

After selecting your favicon, you’ll be given the option to crop it. WordPress favicons need to be square, so if your image isn’t square, you’ll need to crop it. If your image is already square, you can skip the cropping.

Step 5: Publish Your Changes

Once you’ve uploaded and cropped your favicon, click Publish in the upper right corner to save your changes.


Congratulations, you’ve just added a favicon to your WordPress site! Your favicon should now appear in browser tabs, bookmark lists, and other places across the web. Having a favicon adds a professional touch to your site and helps users identify your website quickly amongst other tabs.