Images are a crucial part of website content. They can help to break up text, make the website more visually appealing, and can even contribute to your site’s SEO. Adding images in WordPress is a simple process. Here’s how you do it.

Step 1: Prepare Your Image

Before you upload your image, make sure it is in a web-friendly format (like .jpg or .png) and is properly sized. Large images can slow down your site, so it’s recommended to resize them before uploading.

Step 2: Open The WordPress Editor

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Posts or Pages and either create a new post/page or edit an existing one.
  2. Once you’re in the editor, click on the place where you want to add the image.

Step 3: Add an Image

  1. Click on the Add Block button (the plus sign in the upper left corner or within the editor).
  2. In the block library, scroll down or use the search bar to find the Image block. Click on it to add it to your post/page.

Step 4: Upload or Select Your Image

  1. After adding the Image block, you’ll see options to upload an image, select one from your media library, or insert one from a URL.
  2. If your image is already uploaded, simply select it from the Media Library. If not, click on Upload, find your image, and click Open to upload it.

Step 5: Edit Your Image Settings

  1. Once the image is uploaded, you can adjust its settings on the right-hand side. You can add alt text, set a size for the image, choose an alignment, and more.
  2. Remember, Alt text is essential for SEO and for visitors who are unable to see the images on your site.

Step 6: Publish or Update Your Post/Page

  1. Once you’re done editing your image and adding your content, click Publish or Update to save your changes.


Congratulations! You’ve just added an image to your WordPress post or page. Remember, effective use of images can greatly enhance your content and the overall user experience on your site. Make sure to always add appropriate alt text for SEO and accessibility purposes.