Custom post types are a powerful feature in WordPress that allow you to add different types of content to your site, beyond the standard ‘Posts’ and ‘Pages’. You can create a custom post type for any kind of content you want, such as ‘Products’, ‘Testimonials’, or ‘Reviews’. Here’s how you can create a custom post type.

Step 1: Install and Activate a Plugin

The easiest way to create custom post types in WordPress is by using a plugin. There are many plugins available that provide this functionality, but one of the most popular and user-friendly is ‘Custom Post Type UI’. You can install this plugin directly from your WordPress dashboard.

Step 2: Create a New Custom Post Type

After activating the plugin, go to CPT UI > Add/Edit Post Types in your WordPress dashboard.

In the ‘Add New Post Type’ section, you’ll find fields to fill out:

  • Post Type Slug: This is the unique identifier for your post type. It should be all lowercase and contain no spaces.
  • Plural Label: This is the name of your post type in plural form, for example, ‘Products’.
  • Singular Label: This is the name of your post type in singular form, for example, ‘Product’.

After filling these out, scroll down and click the ‘Add Post Type’ button.

Step 3: Configure Your Custom Post Type

You can configure your custom post type using the settings available in the ‘Settings’ and ‘Labels’ tabs. Here you can set if your post type is public, if it has an archive, supports comments, and more.

Remember to click ‘Save Post Type’ after making your changes.

Step 4: Add New Posts to Your Custom Post Type

After creating your custom post type, you can add new posts to it from your WordPress dashboard. You should see a new menu item for your custom post type. If you named your custom post type ‘Products’, for example, you would go to Products > Add New to add a new product.


Creating custom post types in WordPress allows you to effectively organise different types of content on your site. It’s a versatile tool that can be used for all sorts of websites, from online shops to portfolio sites to blogs. Whether you’re an experienced developer or a novice WordPress user, you can create and manage custom post types with ease.