What are WordPress Widgets?

WordPress widgets are small blocks that perform specific functions on your website. They can be added, arranged, and removed in designated areas called “widget areas” or “sidebars”. What Do WordPress Widgets Do? Widgets provide a simple and user-friendly way to add design and structure to your WordPress theme without needing any coding knowledge. Here are…

How to Update a WordPress Plugin

Updating your WordPress plugins is essential to maintain your website’s security and take advantage of the latest features and improvements. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to update a WordPress plugin: Introduction Updating WordPress plugins is a straightforward process. WordPress typically notifies you when updates are available for your plugins, and you can often update…

What are Some of the Most Popular WordPress Plugins?

People often search for the “best WordPress plugins”. But the “best” WordPress plugins can vary depending on the needs and goals of your website. However, some plugins are extremely popular and widely used across various types of websites due to their functionality and reliability. Here are a few such plugins: Remember, the plugins you choose…

What is a WordPress Plugin?

A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that can be added to a WordPress website to extend its functionality or add new features. Plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. Why Use WordPress Plugins? WordPress plugins are used for a wide variety of purposes. Here are a few…

How to Restore a WordPress Website from a Backup

Restoring your WordPress site from a backup is a critical process that can help you recover your website if something goes wrong. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to restore your WordPress site: Introduction Restoring your WordPress site from a backup involves re-populating your site’s database and files from a previous state. You can perform…

What is a WordPress Child Theme and why You Should Use One

A WordPress child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality, features, and style of another theme, known as the parent theme. Child themes are a safe way to modify a parent theme because they allow you to make changes without affecting the parent theme’s original code, making it easier to update the parent theme…

How to Install a WordPress Plugin

Installing a WordPress plugin is an efficient way to add new features or functionalities to your website. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin: Introduction Plugins allow you to extend the functionality of your WordPress site without needing to write any code. You can find a plugin for almost any feature…

How to Customise a WordPress Theme

Customising your WordPress theme allows you to alter its appearance and functionality to match your website’s requirements. This guide will walk you through the process of customising your WordPress theme: Introduction The customisation options depend on the theme you’re using. Some themes come with many customisation options, while others might offer only a few basic…

How to Install a WordPress Theme

Installing a WordPress theme can change the entire look and feel of your website, and it’s one of the key steps in setting up your website. WordPress offers a plethora of both free and premium themes that you can use. This guide will show you how to install a WordPress theme, whether you’re using a…

How to Update WordPress

Before updating WordPress, it’s important to back up your website. This way, if anything goes wrong, you’ll be able to revert your site to its previous state. To update WordPress, follow these steps: Backup Your Website Before you start the update process, it’s essential to back up your website. This includes your database and all…

How is WordPress.com Different to WordPress.org?

WordPress.com and WordPress.org are two different platforms, but they are both based on the open source WordPress software. Here’s how they differ: Hosting WordPress.com is a commercial platform where your site is hosted for you. You don’t have to worry about purchasing hosting or maintaining the server. It’s a form of “managed” hosting. WordPress.org, on…

How to Install WordPress

Installing WordPress might sound technical, but it’s like following a recipe. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it manually: Note: Many web hosts offer an easier way to install WordPress using a tool like Softaculous or Fantastico in their control panel. This automates the below process, letting you install WordPress with a few…